Plants of Pheasant Branch Conservancy

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Buckthorn, common (Rhamnus cathartica) [Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae)]
Buckthorn, common
Buckthorn, common
Buckthorn, common
Buckthorn, common
Buckthorn, common

Flower color:green
Wetland indicator:FACU
::Non-native::invasive -- consider control
:::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::
Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Michigan flora
Minnesota wildflowers
Common indeed! New seedlings have distinctive "elephant ear" cotyledons. Note the inconspicuous green flowers in the first image.
Crown vetch (Coronilla varia) [Bean family (Fabaceae)]
Crown vetch
Crown vetch
Crown vetch
Crown vetch

Flower color:pink
Bloom period:May to September
::Non-native::invasive -- consider control
Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Missouri plants
Crown vetch is an invasive clonal species that forms dense mats that sprawl over and smother most ground vegetation - some restorationists consider crown vetch a prairie killer.
Crown vetch was at one time planted widely for erosion control (probably why it's not listed as restricted or prohibited in Wisconsin), a practice that has been slow to stop.
Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) [Mustard family (Brassiaceae)]
Garlic mustard
Garlic mustard
Garlic mustard
Garlic mustard

Flower color:white
Bloom period:April to June
Wetland indicator:FAC
::Non-native::invasive -- consider control
:::: Restricted in Wisconsin ::::
Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers
Biennial; one of our worst invaders of woodlands.
Grass, reed canary (Phalaris arundinacea) [Grass family (Poaceae)]
Grass, reed canary
Grass, reed canary
Grass, reed canary

Bloom period:June to July
Wetland indicator:FACW+
::Non-native::invasive -- consider control
Flora of Wisconsin
Illinois wildflowers